Diary of a Mad Businesswoman


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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Breaking the silence

I'm sure alot of people wonder why I would do a show where I talk about my own personal experience with abuse. Being a victim of spousal abuse changed who I am as a person. I used to be one of those  people who believed in the inherent goodness of the world, and that bad things only happened to bad people. For a long time, I blamed my terrifying experience on my innocence, and became very jaded.

It hasn't been easy for me to talk about. I've been divorced for 2 years and I still cry when I think about the things my ex husband did to me. I suffered from a kind of post traumatic stress syndrome, and I literally wasn't able to face life for a long time. luckily, during this time I read eat, love, pray. While the author of that book may not have had my harrowing experience, it made me feel better about needing time to heal, and different ways to do so.

Then I hit my turning point. I began to ask myself if I hadn't already suffered enough. Yes, I made a mistake in choosing my life partner. Yes, I allowed others to take advantage of my innocence. But hadn't I paid the price for that in tears and blood? I would say so.

It's been a long road, but each day I am on my way to healing. I know there is a reason I went through everything that I did, and I wanted to talk about it because I now know that my story belongs to millions of other women out there who have suffered like I suffered, but didn't have the platform to broadcast their experience. For better or worse, I have the microphone now, and I wanted to say something that mattered.

I know that there are people who will be angry that I have spoken the unspeakable, and that's fine. The time has come for me to move past the hurt, and into the joy. Part of that is losing the gag that kept me from finally, once and for all letting go of everything I was holding inside. I hope that women across the nation hear this, and take note. It happened to me, it may be happening to you or someone you know, and you are not alone.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A businesswoman's Dirty Little Secret

Domestic violence and abuse do not discriminate. It happens among heterosexual couples and in same-sex partnerships. It occurs within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and financial levels.1 in 2 women will experience abuse at the hands of a significant other. This statistic increases based on race, and economic status. Even though women have achieved sucess in the business world, why are we still suffering in our relationships?

Resources for women:

National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-787-3224.

http://www.soroptimist.org/news/fs_dvi.html - offers business grants for women headed households

www.makeityourbusiness.org.- business policies on domestic abuse


http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2626967/checklist_for_recognizing_domestic.html- checklist for abusive relationships

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Margaret Anderson Kelliher for Governor

Summary of show:

Women need to become more active in the political process. We have shown up in record numbers to vote, but not to participate in the process. Margaret Anderson Kelliher has over a decade of experience in public service, and has dedicated her life to serving others. As Governor, Margaret would champion our causes: Health Care reform, Job Creation, Education, and protect our environment.

For more information on Margaret, you can visit her at
Twitter: margaretakelliher

If you are ready to participate in the process, you can do as little as volunteer, or as much as run for office.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Margaret Anderson Kelliher Live on Mad Businsswomen's Radio!

Listen in at www.blogtalkradio.com/mrsmadbiz

Mad Businesswomen's radio is excited to present the possible first female governor of Minnesota, Margaret Anderson Kelliher live! Margaret is currently engaged in a tight race to lock down the DFL nomination in the 2010 Governor's election, and showed exceedingly well in the DFL caucus.

“It’s really important to me that Minnesotans from all over the state, all different walks of life, all different backgrounds, are involved in my campaign for Governor because it’s not just my campaign for Governor. It’s our campaign for Governor.”

Margaret has been endorsed by Emily's list, and is accumulating union endorsements at the speed of light. Both the AFSCME council 65 and the IBEW have endorsed her for governor. 

Don't miss this once in a life time opportunity to hear for Margaret Anderson Kelliher live and in her own words.

Listen in at www.blogtalkradio.com/mrsmadbiz

More articles on Margaret Anderson Kelliher

Best of the Gubernatorial Debate 2010
Governor Anderson Endorses Margaret Anderson Kelliher
Margaret for Governor

Friday, February 5, 2010

Eating your cake, and loving your family too

Eating your cake, and loving your family too

Is it possible to really balance work and home life? Mad Businesswomen get real on the subject of being a mom and managing your business. Join Ini Augustine and special guest Heather Sedlock as we discuss real life issues that affect women in business.

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Heather E. Sedlock, age 33, is a married, stay-at-home mom of two boys. Heather and her two boys are on the autism spectrum while her husband has various physical disabilities. Her lifetime experience as someone with autism and her two sons having autism led her to write about it in various places. It is her passion to share quality information with parent about autism and other issues that affect parents whose children have special needs. Heather currently writes for examiner.com as the National Special Needs Kids writer. She discusses the types of special needs that kids may have and reports relevant science-based news on studies, new products or services of interest. You may visit Heather at www.examiner.com/x-10560-Special-Needs-Kids-Examiner .
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010